Saturday, June 12, 2010


My grandmother's metronome, that I still use.

iphone with a polaroid filter app.


  1. Well done. There's a surrealistic quality to this shot that works very nicely. The movement of the metronome arm definitely lends sound to this shot, which is something I really love in photography; an engagement of a sense besides sight.

    Whatever that is in the foreground is adding some nice depth to the shot - obscuring whatever is in the rest of that space. My first impression was that I wanted some sort of identification of this thing - a music book? a graduation certificate? But after a bit of introspection I suppose I enjoy the mystery of it. Leaves you wanting more - in a good way; the way that good photos should.

    I think you'd be well-served cropping the meat out of this and inserting it into an actual scan of a polaroid sheet. The frame that it's in right now almost looks too cartoony for the subject matter.

  2. I really like this for some reason. I know, out of character to like stuff. The color on the metronome is awesome. The foreground is a bit *too* bright IMHO.

    The color noise is a bit distracting though, especially in the blue band of the foreground there some way to get it out with fancier software?


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