Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Beer at the Burren

This was taken in nearly no light pointing the hotshoe flash off the back wall for a soft look. I think the only thing missing is some smoldering cigarettes.


  1. It has an interesting quality of light, almost like a midsummer sunset where the sun is reflecting off the clouds. It might have been nice if the beer menu wasn't in the middle of the table, and it was just glasses.

  2. love this. i don't mind the menu, i think it adds context. you don't want to "fake it up" too much.

  3. I tend to agree about the beer menu - it's brand new and tidy on a table with some nice old character. The fellow's hand also points the eye right to that menu, making it more or less the anchor point of the image. That said, the balance may feel a bit off without it.

    Nice composition - the angle of the table and distribution of the glasses reads well.


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