Friday, June 11, 2010


Hey guys. I figure I should start posting up.

These days most of the shooting I'm doing is with the camera I always have with me, my iPhone.

It's an interesting piece of kit, with every part of the camera limited. Kind of feels like a holga in that sometime it does weird stuff.

And then some cool guy made an app for it that really tries to emulate film. Which is pretty cool.

So bla bla bla, here's a few from the past week.

These are un-editted, straight out of my phone.

Commuter train at dusk.

My Jeans

Playing Field


  1. love the mood of the first and the texture of the second, i think the third is the weakest because i can't tell what the point/subject is. what were you trying for?

  2. Most of my work has become centered around spaces. In the last images' case, the empty space of the field, the color of the light playing off the grass and sky and the desolation of this playing field that is more or less abandoned.

  3. The first photo is my favorite for the gradations of blue. I agree with Alexis about the third. Desolation is not the feeling that I receive when I look at it.

  4. yeah, i got the feeling that there was something there that i just wasn't getting. maybe a wide angle lens/capture would do it?

  5. I'm on board with these comments as well. The first has the strongest sense of artistic intention associated with it in my opinion.

    The second is one of those shots that is what it is. Without any other photos to play off of, it doesn't work, in my opinion. As part of a collection - this one, for example - it accentuates the subject structure of the first photo, which would seem a bit abstract without the comparison.

    The third is just a bit off base for what you described - I'd say mostly due to the nice, friendly sky. Time of day may have played a part in the feel here. Also, a lower angle may have changed the perception of space a bit. The shot feels eye-level; a casual shot of a place.

    Also, I'd recommend either more of the tree branch at the top of the frame or none. Feels like a whoopsie as it is, but with a bit more it would substantiate the shadow that it's likely casting on the ground, yeah? Would also put the viewer more in a place - beneath this tree and out of that nice sunny day a bit.


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